Barbara’s Favorite Flowers: Cat Mint
Cat Mint Nepeta × faassenii ‘Walker’s Low’
This is a great drought tolerant re-bloomer. Blooming starts in May or early June so you can luxuriate in a whole field of glorious purple. The leaves are a great grey-green and heart shaped. I recommend this plant in huge masses to everyone! Cat Mint is super easy peasy and looks good most all the time. Even though it is in the Lamiaceae family and very similar to catnip, it does not have the same euphoric effect on our feline friends. Beloved by hummingbirds, bees and butterflies, plant to stellar effect in front of borders en masse and rock gardens. Trim back a bit after flowering and you are rewarded with constant blooms! Also used in herbal medicine! The mild sedative effect on humans makes it a wonderful relaxing tea!