Friday Feature: Gabrielle Mayberry (Gabby, Gabs)
How long have you been working at Willow Creek? 5 months
What is your position? Administrative Assistant
What is your favorite part of the Willow Creek family? The unique family bond
What do you hope to achieve within the company? To continue in advancement in my position and learn everything I can from each department.
What is your favorite wine? I have two. Blackberry Merlot and Prestige Gold
If you could switch jobs with anyone at Willow Creek, who would it be and why? Chuck. I would love to learn how to make wine.
What is your proudest moment so far at Willow Creek? Taking over the Adopt-a-Vine program.
What advice do you have for new hires? Never say no to learning a new position here.
And last but not least, if Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see cast as you? Kiera Knightly